
Humbatov Yusif Abulfat, Gapagov Vugar Faig


The article considers several factors influencing the development of medical tourism in Azerbaijan: the need for joint activities of the public and private sectors in the development of medical tourism, the effective use of the country's tourism potential, and the use of mineral and thermal tourism resources.

               The directions of state support and implementation of state regulation in the development of medical tourism were analyzed.

The actuality of the subject. One of the main issues in the development of tourism in the country is proper use of tourism potential.Moreover, the utilization of the existing Naftalan oil and internationally recognized waters of Azerbaijan is essential for maximizing the tourism potential. Therefore, increasing state support for the development of medical tourism is pivotal.

The purpose of the study: The purpose of the study is to assess the current state of medical tourism in Azerbaijan. Increasing the flow of tourists to the country through the establishment of healthresorts& sanatoriums and improving the quality of treatment is integral part of development directions in the field of medical tourism.

The objectives of the study are:

- Assessment of the current state of medical tourism;

- study of factors influencing the development of medical tourism;

- to determine the role of health resorts and sanatoriums as a means of treatment of various diseases;

- Improving the implementation of state support for the development of medical tourism in our country.

Object of research. Reforms in the tourism sector in the Republic of Azerbaijan and the development of medical tourism were selected.

Research methods. Economic-statistical, statistical grouping, comparative economic analysis and observation methods were used in the research process.

The favorable geographical location, historical monuments, mineral springs, thermal waters, and the presence of a rich national cuisine are the factors that motivate the subject.


health tourism
sanatoriums and resorts
state support


Humbatov Yusif Abulfat, Gapagov Vugar Faig


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