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Article submission guidelines

For comprehensive information on APA requirements, see Here you will find basic, but not comprehensive, guidelines.

General submission requirements

The following requirements must be adhered to throughout the article:

  • A4 sheet
  • All margins are 2.5 cm
  • Font: Times New Roman at 12 pt
  • Interline spacing 2.0
  • Paragraph indentation 1.25 cm
  • Left alignment

Composition and structure of the document

The paper should consist of 3 parts: title, main body and references. Each part, in turn, should contain:

1. Title

  • Article name
  • Full name of the authors
  • Authors' place of work, country
  • E-mail
  • Abstract
  • Keywords

2. Main body

Should be organized in a structured manner and, for example, include sections such as:

  • Introduction
  • Research method
  • Results analysis
  • Conclusion (discussion)

The titles of the sections may differ from those above, but should reflect the information presented in them. 

3. References

Basic guidelines for writing References - the reference list should be at the end of the paper, with sources arranged in alphabetical order, without numbering, with a backward paragraph indent of 1.25.

Reference list formatting

Reference type

Formatting guidelines



Author's last name, initials. (Year of publication). Book title (italicized, capitalized for proper names, for the first word of the title, the first word after ":" or " - ") (edition, if the book has been published more than once). Place of publication: Publisher.

Lincoln, M. (2010). A guide for travellers. London, England: Penguin Book. или Megan, T. & Richter, K.T. (2014). Rebellious way. (3rd ed.). San Jose, Costa Rica: Celebrity House.


Lyonell, K.J., Marks, R.K., & Karoll, I.P. (2016). Perfect night for a picnic: The peculiarities of night birds. New York, NY: Great Publisher.

Edited book

The rules are basically the same as the previous source type, except for the insertion of (Ed.) or (Eds.) after the author's initials. The first option is for designating a single editor, the second for multiple editors.

Lincoln, M. (Ed.). (2010). A guide for travellers. London, England: Penguin Book.

A section of a book that combines works by different authors under someone else's revision

Author's last name, initials of the author of the section. (Year of publication). Title of the section (without italics). Initials, last name of the editor (Ed.). Title of the book (edition, pages - range of the section). Place of publication: Publisher

Marry, K.N. (2005). Rules for translation. In S.T, Hamburg (Ed.). A guide to scientific translation (2nd ed., pp. 70-87). London, England: Penguin Books.


The rules are the same as for a printed book, except for the place of publication and the name of the publisher. Instead, the phrase "Retrieved from" is used, followed by the URL.

Hershill, J.A., Richards, M., & Troy, R.P. (2014). The scientific notes. Retrieved from

Section of an e-book

The source is cited in Reference similar to the section of a printed book, but instead of the place and name of the publisher, the URL is cited

Marry, K.N. (2005). Rules for translation. In S.T, Hamburg (Ed.). A guide to scientific translation (2nd ed., pp. 70-87). Retrieved from

An article in an electronic or printed scientific journal

Author's last name, initials. (Year). Title of the article. Name of the journal, volume number (issue number optional), pages. If the publication is electronic, the URL after "Retrieved from" should be specified

Brady, J.A. (2016). Rescue on the water. Rescue Journal, 54(4), 78-89.


Brady, J.A. (2016). Rescue on the water. Rescue Journal, 54(4), 78-89. Retrieved from 

Newspaper article

Author's last name, initials. (Year, month, day). Title of article. Title of the newspaper, column/section, page or range of pages. Retrieved from and URL if it is an electronic publication.

Brady, J.A. (2016, September 15). Rescue on the water. Daily Telegraph, Help Yourself, p. 32. Retrieved from

An article from a scientific journal

Author's last name, initials. (Year, month, day). Title of article Name of the journal, pages.

Brady, J.A. (2016, September 15). Rescue on the water. Entertainment, pp. 18-22.


Author's last name, initials.  (Creation date). Artwork name [type]. Retrieved from URL

Picasso, P. (1897). Science and charity [painting]. Retieved form


Name, initials of the producer (Producer), & Name, initials of the director (Director). (Year of release). Title of the movie. Country: Film Studio.

Bender, L. (Producer), & Tarantino, Q. (Director). (1994). Pulp fiction. United States of America: Miramax Films.


Last name, initials or stage name of the author. (Copyright year). Song title [Recorded by artist name]. On Album Title [the medium on which the album is recorded]. Label location: Name of the label. (Record Date.)

Sting. (1992). Shape of my heart [Recorded by Sting]. On Ten Summoner’s Tales [visual album]. London, England: A&M Records. (August 1)

Web site

Author's last name, initials. (Year, month, day). Title. Retrieved from and URL

Mermaks, J.Q. (2021, March 9). Details on cats’ behaviour. Retrieved from


The correct design of the list of references causes the greatest difficulties. Therefore, here are some generalized guidelines.

  • Do not allow the reference list to be inconsistent with the citations in the text
  • Check for the absence of quotation marks ("..."), which are characteristic of some languages.
  • Check for the absence of the "/" sign between sources or authors.
  • Put dots at the end of each source paragraph, except for references.
  • For authors, first the last name, then the first name. A comma after the last name.
  • Year in parentheses immediately following the author or authors.
  • For foreign language sources, middle names are optional. If you do specify the patronymic - you do not need to write it in full, the initial is sufficient.
  • Foreign sources are indicated with the language in which they are written, for example, (In Russ.).
  • The title is written in italics. There is no boldface in sources.
  • If a DOI is assigned to a reference source, it should be indicated at the end of the source.

Formatting references in the text

If the names of the author of the source are included in the sentence structure, the year of publication should be given in parentheses after the author. If the names of the author of the source are not part of the sentence structure, the names of the author and years of publication should be included in brackets. If there are multiple sources, they are separated by semicolons. For example: Using the standard APA style "increases the ease of perception of the document" (Kulikov, 2001). This was confirmed in 2003 by Prof. Ilyina (2003). Many researchers note the importance of standardization for scientific publications (Kulikov, 2001; Ilyina, 2003; Fedorov, 2007).

Headings and their layout

To organize information, a scientific publication is divided into sections. Each of the sections is headed by a title. The headings define the content of the sections of the paper. Make the headings descriptive and concise. Five levels of headings are provided. The structure and number of headings is determined by the scope and complexity of the paper. It is easiest to show the rules of headings design by example:

Heading Level 1

Heading Level 2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In nec risus pretium, condimentum leo imperdiet, iaculis lacus. Curabitur volutpat sagittis facilisis.

Heading Level 3

Etiam tempor nisl eu metus facilisis, eget venenatis elit varius. Maecenas nec justo lobortis nulla convallis dapibus commodo ac velit.

Heading Level 4. Vestibulum fringilla eleifend ante, ut cursus eros condimentum. In urna odio, tempus sit amet erat ullamcorper, iaculis condimentum lectus.

Heading Level 5. Phasellus efficitur mi ligula, ac pretium nulla maximus et. Duis imperdiet varius eros eget lacinia. Sed laoreet commodo ex eget vestibulum.

 Headings are not numbered. Most words in them are capitalized.

Table formatting

It is not allowed to use images of tables instead of tables. Tables are numbered, the title is typed in italics. The same font is used for tables as for the whole document. If the tables do not fit on one page in height, the headings are duplicated on each page. If they don't fit width-wise, use landscape orientation.

As with headings, it is better to show the design of tables by example:

Table 1. Means, Standard Deviations, and One-Way Analyses of Variance in Psychological and Social Resources and Cognitive Appraisals




F(1, 294)
















Social support







Cognitive appraisals






















***p < .001.

Note. The data were obtained by the author in the course of a sociological study in 2019

Vertical lines are not used. Use horizontal lines that help you understand the information, such as a headline or summary.

Formatting of charts, figures or diagrams

The general design of figures is similar to that of tables. At the top is the number and title, then the figure itself and below (if necessary) the notes. The use of colored figures is allowed. Pay attention to sufficient contrast when choosing colors for the image. It is better to combine colors with different line styles to increase legibility. For example:

Figure 1. Student Happiness Ratings as a Function of Year and Country of Origin

When creating a figure, make sure that:

  • images are clear, legible
  • lines are smooth and clear
  • the font is legible and simple, 8 to 14 pt sans serif is recommended.
  • units of measurement are indicated
  • axes are clearly labeled
  • elements in the figure are clearly labeled or explained

Formulas formatting

One-line mathematical expressions, equations, and formulas with only numbers, letters, one-line indices, parentheses, and action signs are typed as text. For example: y2 = 3325 + 0.1937x1 + 0.0425x3.  Mathematical expressions, equations, and formulas containing special symbols are included using the built-in Microsoft Equation or MathType formula editor; each formula is inserted as an independent object. Formulas have separate end-to-end numbering. The numbering is indicated in parentheses to the right of the formula. It is not allowed to use figures instead of formulas.

Example of formulas on a separate line with numbering.

Formatting of program code fragments

If it is necessary to give an example of a program or its fragment, the code is typed in monospaced font (Corier New) with indents corresponding to the code logic.

Example of program code:



while cnt >= 0:


    if m < 0:




If the requirements listed above are difficult to understand, format your article using the analogy on the next page. Alternatively, you can use a customized MS Word template for APA style. To do this, select the "Create" command in the MS Word editor and write APA in the search bar.  Use the found template to create an article.


The Example Of Articles' Composition  you can see here.

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