
Hajieva Nushaba Aslan, Gurbanova Khatira Veli, Babakishiyeva Sevinc Firuddin, Karimova İrada Jamil, Gojayeva ZeynabBahram


Based on the new economic conditions, for the first time, the fundamental problem of economic science is investigated - clarifying the role of the consumer market in the socio-economic development of the national economy in the context of the formation of new economic relations. The article examines a range of topical issues related to the assessments and content and essence of the consumer market, the formation of this market in the transformation period, analyzes various theoretical approaches to the concept of the consumer market, provides a typology of the consumer market based on various classification features, and classifies the main functions of the consumer market etc.


consumer market
regulation of the consumer market
classification of the consumer market
function of the consumer market
regional market.


Hajieva Nushaba Aslan, Gurbanova Khatira Veli, Babakishiyeva Sevinc Firuddin, Karimova İrada Jamil, Gojayeva ZeynabBahram


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