Arfaoui Mariem, Ameur Mehrez, Souraya Hadj Yahia

Food consumption has gone through important changes. In fact, consumers’ awareness in terms of health safety and quality has grown through time which progressively translated for an increasing search of rights, guarantees and information. Organic products offer an alternative to preserve health and quality but demand for these products is still low because of their high prices compared to standard products. This study analyzes Tunisian consumers’ behavior towards organic agro-food products with an emphasis on olive oil. Based on an exhaustive survey of 450 persons, the variables studied in this analysis have been submitted to the methods of Principal Components Analysis (PCA) and Hierarchal Ascendant Classification (HAC) utilizing the statistics software SPSS. The aim of this study is to analyze Tunisian consumers’ behavior towards organic products in order to construct a marketing strategy for developing organic consumption based on market segmentation. Cluster analysis allowed us to define four groups of consumers on basis of homogeneous characteristics꞉ information about organic products, socioeconomic characteristics such as high income and education level of consumers, perception of difference on taste and on quality and point of sale. These constitute important variables and are primary tools for elaborating future marketing strategies for organic olive oil
Arfaoui Mariem, Ameur Mehrez, Souraya Hadj Yahia

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