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Gender budgeting in the field of Georgian health and social protection: analysis and evaluation


Vanishvili Merab, Kokashvili Nanuli, Sosanidze Maka

Rubric:Economics and Management
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Based on the latest literary sources and rich factual material, the scientific article consistently discusses topical issues of financial theory and practice, gender budgeting in the healthcare and social protection of Georgia.

It has been established that the spheres of health care and social orientation have a high gender significance. At the same time, the study shows that the state budget programs of Georgia do not contain gender sensitivity.

It is substantiated that the goals set in the health and social protection programs of the state budget of Georgia, and the indicators of intermediate and final results require more specification in accordance with the principles of the program budgeting methodology in general, as well as taking into account additional gender aspects.


gender budgeting
program budgeting
gender sensitivity
gender gap
gender impact
gender analysis.


Vanishvili Merab, Kokashvili Nanuli, Sosanidze Maka

Rubric:Economics and Management


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