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Jiemuratova G.K., Kalandarova A.N., Kadyrova A.M.

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Objectives. A man in the Aral Sea region found himself under the influence of a complex of habitat factors, in close dependence on the quantity and quality of the available water resources of which, acting through nonspecific and specific immunity factors, can cause profound changes in the human body.

Aims. Assessment of the state of the immune system and the elemental status of children, taking into account the water factor in the ecologically unfavorable region of the Aral Sea region.

Materials and Methods: A comprehensive study of the quality of various categories of drinking water (tap, well, open water bodies) by the most important physical and chemical components was carried out: water salinity (dry residue), hardness (Ca + Mg), chloride and sulfate content, pH, the presence of organic matter (according to BOD5 and permanganate oxidizability), biogenic elements, macro-and microelements, and assessment of the state of the immune system and elemental status in 150 healthy children born and permanently residing in the Aral Sea region.

Results: A correlation was established between the quality of drinking water and the morbidity of children with the concentration of sulfates in water r = 0.83, chlorides in water r = 0.52, hardness (r = 0.40), and salinity (r = 0.53) drinking water. Assessment of adaptive reactions according to the leukocyte formula of a general blood test revealed an increased activation of the body's adaptive system. The relationship between the influence of environmental factors and the incidence of children in the Aral Sea region was revealed.

Conclusions. The water factor in the Aral Sea region is one of the dominant factors in the occurrence of various pathological conditions in children. In the Aral Sea region, children develop violations of the macro-and microelement status, the immune system, which under normal conditions are mobile, have a pronounced margin of safety and the information content of which is especially high.

A decrease in the quality of drinking water affects the hemogram, increasing the content of leukocytes, as well as the relative and absolute content of lymphocytes, reducing the relative and absolute content of monocytes. These changes, depending on the place of residence, are explained by the reaction of the immune system to the influence of environmental pollution.


environmental factors
macro-and microelements
the Aral Sea region
adaptive response
morbidity in children.


Jiemuratova G.K., Kalandarova A.N., Kadyrova A.M.


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