Pulsed Differential Calorimetry of the Heat Capacity Jump at Denaturation of Collagen Type I of Rat Tail Tendons
Nadareishvili Malkhaz, Kiziria Evgeni, Sokhadze Victor, Tvauri Genadi, Gogichaishvili Shota, Ramsden Jeremy

The estimation of the heat capacity jump at melting of collagen fibers having principle significance for determination of the role of hydrophobic interactions in the process of formation and stabilization of collagen fibers was performed for collagen type I of rat tail tendons in an aqueous medium and in 0.5M acetic acid. The research was performed by using the unique high-precision pulsed differential scanning calorimeter (PDSC) designed by the authors. The device provides a measurement of heat capacity in the pulsed mode under the thermodynamically equilibrium conditions, in contrast to usual differential scanning calorimeters (DSC) performing the measurements in the continuous heating mode. The measurements carried out in the pulsed mode allow the exact determination of heat capacity before and after denaturation transition. The experiments showed that magnitude of the heat capacity jump in the aqueous medium is twice as large as the value of the jump in 0.5M acetic acid. The melting temperature in the aqueous medium was by 220C higher than in acetic acid and, the melting enthalpy in the aqueous medium was more too. The obtained results are discussed in the light of the data available in the literature regarding this problem.
Nadareishvili Malkhaz, Kiziria Evgeni, Sokhadze Victor, Tvauri Genadi, Gogichaishvili Shota, Ramsden Jeremy

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