Factors for improving the theoretical knowledge of future music teachers
Mirodil Khakimov

The propose of the research: To study sources of development of theoretical knowledge of future music teachers in the process of higher pedagogical education, to recommend general conclusions on this issue to future teachers.
Research methods: The research was conducted based on the results of the last 30 years of the educational system. Mainly, the method of comparing and analyzing the knowledge of future music teachers obtained as a result of different years and different educational systems was used.
Research results: During the research, it was found that the students of different periods do not use modern pedagogic methods in the results of the practical period, and the author's personal advice was presented in the concluding part of the article.
Practical application: In order to apply the results of the research in practice, it is included in the practical training part of the science program created for the subject of music teaching methodology in the curriculum of the Department of Music Education of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Art Science of Andijan State University and is in the process of being applied in practice.
Mirodil Khakimov

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