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Impact of the Regional Technology Development and Innovation on the Ukrainian Light Industry’s Export


Laijun ZHAO, Oleksandra ZOLOTOVA, Chenchen WANG

Rubric:Regional Economy
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Empirical data refers to the light industry’s export and indicators of the regional technology development and innovation (RTDI) including the technological and innovative activity, expenditure on innovation and R&D, its implementation and taxes in 25 Ukrainian regions from 2012 to 2019. The research methodology consists of: regression analysis to detect linear interactions; the spatial analysis to investigate spatial relations; the Hausman test to confirm the coherence of the random effect; difference-in-differences (DID) technique to calculate the impact of tax-free policy. The research verifies justification of the centralized policy on the digitalization and innovative transformations for the Ukrainian light industry.


spatial analysis
Ukrainian light industry


Laijun ZHAO, Oleksandra ZOLOTOVA, Chenchen WANG


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