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Carlos António Pinheiro Francisco e Silva, José António Ferreira Porfírio, Lisete dos Santos Mendes Mónico

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In this article you will find a literature review approach on the effect of country of origin in a constant evolution leading to brand origin. Overall, the value of literature reviews lies in their ability to provide scholars, students, and practitioners with a critical assessment of existing research, helping to identify and develop further studies. The country-of-origin effect is controversial but retains all interest in a globalized and regionalized world, especially when we are talking about the current hybrid character of many products and when perceptions about brands' countries of origin are important from the consumer's point of view. The country of origin becomes a potential competitive and differentiating factor when we are talking about international markets. The studies appeared in 1965, but we have seen a growth in studies since the mid-1990s of the last century looking for an approach that redefined the concept, leading us to research topics such as brand origin, product country image and product place image. The European Union, for example, promotes protected designation of origin or protected indication of origin for some products. As important or even more important is the perception of the brand origin as a source of brand appeal, relegating to the background the question about where the company produces its goods or services, and giving importance to this perception, even for reasons related to stereotypes.


Country of Origin
Brand Origin


Carlos António Pinheiro Francisco e Silva, José António Ferreira Porfírio, Lisete dos Santos Mendes Mónico


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