RECONSTRUCTION POLICY IN 1985-1986: REFLECTION OF ITS NEED AND CONSEQUENCES IN THE PRESS (In the example of “Soviet Uzbekistan” and “Pravda Vostoka” newspapers) Tangrikulov Jamshid Erkinovich
Tangrikulov Jamshid Erkinovich
The article delves into the magazine “Sharq yulduzi”, which operated on the territory of the Uzbek SSR, is only the official information page of the CPSU, a high call and slogans, a tool calling on everyone to work more and more, an important tool that shows criticism, harmful vices, shortcomings along with achievements and the consequences of indifference.
Tangrikulov Jamshid Erkinovich
Rajabov Q. Qayta qurish va uning O‘zbekistonda yangi siyosiy-mafkuraviy vaziyatning shakllanishiga ta'siri // Ilmiy xabarnoma jurnali, ADU. 2014. – №2. – B. 54.
Polynov M. F. Istoricheskie predposylki perestrojki v SSSR. 1946-1985 gg. – SPb.: Al'ter Ego, 2010. – C. 235-262.
Bezborodov A., Eliseeva N., SHestakov V. Perestrojka i krah SSSR. 1985-1993. – SPb.: Norma, 2010. – S. 56.
“Pravda” gazetasi, 1985 yil 2 aprelь, 1, 10 mart, 1, 2, 7, 10 mart .
“Pravda Vostoka” gazetasi, 1985 yil 1, 5 12 16, 19, 21, 22, 26 mart.
O‘z MA, R-2806-fond, 1-ro‘yxat, 12-ish, 257-varaq, 11-ish, 178-varaq.
“Sovet O‘zbekistoni” gazetasi, 1986 yil 6, 8 fevral; 1986 yil 16, 18 mart; 1986 yil 2 1, 4, 5, 8 aprel.
O‘z MA, R-2806-fond, 1-ro‘yxat, 11-ish, 58-varaq.
“Sovet O‘zbekistoni” gazetasi, 1985 yil 18 oktyabr; 3, 13 noyabr, 1986 yil, 13 may, 30 aprel, 1985 yil 25 iyul; 6, 8, 15, 18, 20, 21, 28, 29 avgust; 4, 6, 7, 10, 13, 15, 18, 29 sentyabr; 12, 22 oktyabr; 3, 12, 17, 30 noyabr; 18, 19 dekabr; 1986 yil 6, 12, 14, 21 yanvar; 1985 yil 20 senbyar, 25 oktyabr; 1985 yil 3 noyabr; 1986 yil 1 yanvarь; 14 mart; 1985 yil 4 dekabrь, 1986 yil 30 aprel; 1986 yil 8, 9 avgust; 1986 yil 25 dekabr; 1987 yil 6, 16, 27 yanvar.