Nandi Supriatnadi, Adriana Hasibuan, Rani Arfianty

This research explores speech act devices in cosmetic advertisements of Nivea UV- プロテクト&ケア (Deep Protect&Care) and Nivea エイトフオーメン薬用ボディウォッシュ (8X4 Men Body Wash) on Japanese television. It is qualitative descriptive research in which data were collected by listening and note-taking techniques. The results show locutionary speech acts of declarative sentences are found in the two ads. The interrogative sentence forms appear in the first ad, meanwhile, the imperative sentences are available in the two ads. Concerning the illocutionary function, the forms of assertive function 'stating, telling, and complaining', and of directive function of 'request' and expressive function of 'praising' exist. About perlocutionary speech acts, the representative, directive, and expressive as well as persuasion on the audience or consumers influence successfully and, in this context the ads are aired on television to give perlocutionary effects to the audience/consumers to buy the two cosmetic products.
Nandi Supriatnadi, Adriana Hasibuan, Rani Arfianty

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