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Mamatqosimov Jahongir Abirqulovich

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Objective: To shed light on the importance of actor's ethics in ensuring the artistic level and professional performance of a stage work.

Methods: observation, systematic analysis, representative analysis, interview.

Results: In this article, the issues of actor's ethics in theater art, its social, aesthetic and spiritual importance, the criteria of actor's ethics in the formation of professional theater are studied on the example of Uzbek theater. Also, the issues of actor's ethics, performance criteria are studied on the example of Vakhtangov theater studio and "Turon" theater troupe. The issues of actor's ethics and stage culture in modern theaters are analyzed. Recommendations are given on improving actor's ethics and performance culture.

Scientific novelty: This article defines the standards of actor's performance discipline and stage ethics.

Practical significance: This article serves as a methodological source for creative processes in the theater and training future actors and directors.


actor's ethics
actor's spirituality
stage culture
director's art
mentor-student traditions
aesthetic education.


Mamatqosimov Jahongir Abirqulovich


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