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Sharifa Bekmuratovna Utamuratova, Rasulov Voxob Rustamovich, Isomiddinova Umida Mamurjonova, Kodirov Nurllo Ubaidullo ogli

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The polarization and frequency-polarization dependences of the linear-circular dichroism and light absorption coefficients in semiconductors of cubic symmetry, caused by vertical three-photon optical transitions between the states of the spin-orbit splitting and conduction bands, are calculated.


three-photon optical transitions
spin-orbit splitting band
light absorption
conduction band
linear-circular dichroism


Sharifa Bekmuratovna Utamuratova, Rasulov Voxob Rustamovich, Isomiddinova Umida Mamurjonova, Kodirov Nurllo Ubaidullo ogli


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