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Investigation of physical chemical properties of drilling fluids for drilling oil and gas wells


Nodirbek Kobilov, Shukurov Abror, Khamidov Basit, Kodirov Sarvar

Rubric:Technical sciences in general
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The objective of this work is investigation of physical and chemical properties and development new receipt of weighted drilling fluids for drilling oil and gas wells. In the article the main physical and chemical properties of the weighted drilling fluids for drilling oil and gas wells have been given. The methods of testing drilling fluids and materials used for obtaining weighted drilling fluids have been investigated.


drilling fluid
oil and gas.


Nodirbek Kobilov, Shukurov Abror, Khamidov Basit, Kodirov Sarvar



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7. Komila Negmatova, Shodilbek Isakov, Nodir Kobilov, 2012. Effective Composite Chemical Reagents Based On Organic And Inorganic Ingredients For Drilling Fluids Used In The Process Of Drilling Oil Wells// Advanced Materials Research. Trans Tech Publication, Switzerland,. – vol. 413 – рр. 544-547.

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