The skills of translator on translating “RASCAL”
Nabiyeva Gulbahor Akbaralievna
Linguoculturology studies various aspects of the problems associated with understanding the ethnolinguistic picture of the world, worldview, linguistic consciousness, features of the cultural-cognitive space of language. In Uzbek the study of the culture, traditions and history of the people from a linguocultural point of view has become an object of extensive research.
Nabiyeva Gulbahor Akbaralievna
1. Alefirenko N. F. Lingvoculturology. Value-semantic space of the language. – M.: Flinta, 2014. – p. 38.
2. Khudoyberganova D. A brief explanatory dictionary of linguistic and cultural terms. - Tashkent: Turon zamin ziya, 2015. - p. 33.
3. National encyclopedia of Uzbekistan. XII Volumes. - Tashkent: National Encyclopedia of Uzbekistan, 2000-2006.
4. Gulmetov E., Kabiljonova T., Ernazarov Sh., Mavrulov A. Cultural studies. - Tashkent, 2000. - B. 6
5. Malyuga Yu.Ya. Culturology. - M.: INFRA-M., 2004. - p. 11 ..
6. Maslova V.A. Linguoculturology. – 4th edition, ster. – M.: Academy, 2010. – p. 11.
7. Gafur Ghulam Rascal. - Youth publishing house. 1936. - p. 193
8. Gafur Ghulam Der schelm. - Youth publishing house. 1936. - p. 193