Noun clauses and their syntactical role in complex sentences in English and Albanian
Erёza Rushiti
The main purpose of this research was to give a contrastive analysis of the noun clauses in complex sentences in the English and Albanian languages, looking at how the arrangement of the words stands, the position of the subject, predicator, and the object, and the use of the subordinating conjunctions inside the clause and in the sentence as a whole, in both languages.
The novel “The Old Man and the Sea” by Ernest Hemingway and the version in Albanian “Plaku dhe Deti” by Ylber Pinjolli were used for the analytical part of the research. The clauses were found simultaneously in both novels, and the equivalents were shown and presented through tables, from which we can conclude that in most cases consistency was found between the noun clauses in English and those in Albanian, with some changes mostly valid in the use of the subordinating conjunction and the verb.
Erёza Rushiti
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