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A Study on the Ideological and Political Connotation of Texts in College English Textbook Based on Corpus (With the Third Edition of New Horizon English Course (Reading & Writing) as an Example)


Wenjuan Lang, Meiyan Liu

Rubric:Applied and mathematical linguistics
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With the development of ideological and political education, integrating the curriculum ideological and political teaching system into the construction of college textbooks has been in full swing in colleges and universities nationwide. Since language materials are the carriers of culture, studying the ideological and political connotation by taking the cultural content of textbook as an example is conducive to students’ establishment of correct values, and at the same time provides insights for the integration of ideological and political education into the writing and use of English textbooks. Based on the Wmatrix4 corpus, the present study analyzes the ideological and political connotation of the texts in the third edition of New Horizon English Course (Reading & Writing) and finds that the elements of cultural products, cultural practices, cultural perspectives and cultural persons are all reflected in the texts of the textbook, but the proportion of their distribution is uneven; the ideological and political connotation of socialist core values and professional ethics education in the textbooks is rich, while the connotations of Xi Jinping’ s thoughts on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, Chinese traditional culture and rule of law education are deficient.


English Textbooks
Ideological and Political Connotation


Wenjuan Lang, Meiyan Liu



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