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Opportunities and prospects for “green” export of consumer goods


Shohista N.Muratova

Rubric:Economic security
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The article discusses the process of implementing the foreign trade policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan and foreign countries, in particular the European Union in modern conditions. This process is significantly affected by the slowdown in export growth rates in industry and the need to increase sales of high-tech goods to ensure sustainable growth of the national economy and its competitiveness in the world. The European “Green Deal” requires the introduction of green technologies into domestic production involved in the creation of export goods. The article clarifies the concept of “green” export and considers it in economic and customs aspects.


finished product exports
the European “Green Deal”
“green” exports
economic security
“green” technologies
the European Union
foreign trade policy
industrial goods exports
“Green Customs”
circular economy


Shohista N.Muratova


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