Construction of a kinetic model for the oxidation of C 3 -C 4 -aldehydes on heteropoly compounds.
Shiraliyeva Ulkar, Huseynova Elmira, Ismayilova Kamala, Imanova Nasiba, Bagirova Ziba
The kinetic regularities of oxidation of unsaturated aldehydes acrolein and methacrolein into corresponding acids have been studied on modified phosphormolybdenum heteropoly acid catalysts. It was found that methacrylic acid is formed according to the sequential scheme, and deep oxidation products according to the parallel-sequential scheme. The analysis of experimental data shows that the acetic acid yield on heteropolyacetic acid catalysts is high enough and can reach 30%. Therefore, it is incorrect to neglect the route of acetic acid formation when assessing the kinetics of the process. Differential equations were made to process the experimental data on the kinetics of aldehyde oxidation. The developed kinetic model can be used to model the reaction apparatus.
Shiraliyeva Ulkar, Huseynova Elmira, Ismayilova Kamala, Imanova Nasiba, Bagirova Ziba
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