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Salyamova Klara D., Gasanova Nadejda Yu., Melikulov Abdusattar Djabbarovich, Bakirov Gayrat Kh.

Rubric:Technical sciences in general
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In this article we consider the results of studying the conditions for the construction and maintenance of underground mine workings in regions characterized by seismic and tectonic activity. Output of mineral deposits in the Central Asia is carried out in the difficult conditions characterized by high seismic and tectonic activity of region, considerable geological infringement deposits, danger of rockbursts. Long-term practice of mining works shows, what difficulties create tectonic fields of tension at working out of a mineral deposits. Modern mathematical methods and technical computing means allow obtaining qualitatively new and multivariate solutions of problems with subsequent evaluation of the degree of their identity to real processes. The authors developed computer application programs for the quantitative evaluation of the strength of underground workings, taking into account the features of their design, piecewise inhomogeneous physical and mechanical characteristics of the surrounding rock mass for the accepted calculation schemes and numerical models.


underground mining
seismotectonic activity
rock massif
mine support


Salyamova Klara D., Gasanova Nadejda Yu., Melikulov Abdusattar Djabbarovich, Bakirov Gayrat Kh.


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