Shukhratova Yulduzkhan

The purpose of the research: in world linguistics, the study of language as a complex system, the analysis of all language units based on their form and content, and their interrelationships, is important for the further study of its communicative, semiotic and pragmatic nature. 2. Research methods: methods such as description, classification, comparison, contrast, substantive analysis were used to clarify the topic. 3. Research results: taking into account these aspects, the research of linguistic tools expressing various relationships has theoretical and practical importance in linguistics, in particular, in World Linguistics, the study of language as a complex system, the analysis of all language units based on their form and content, and their mutual relations. it is important to further study its communicative, semiotic and pragmatic nature. 4. Conclusion: in this regard, the research of linguistic tools expressing various relationships has theoretical and practical importance in linguistics, in particular, simile, static simile, metaphor, and linguistic tools expressing the relationship of comparison, uniting them into one semantic group, highlighting them on the basis of a specific system makes it possible to show the system-structural nature of the language.
Shukhratova Yulduzkhan

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