Badakhshanova Anar Ibrayimovna

In the article the stilistic features of the similes in the prose works of M.Nizanov is discussed. And also the use of autohors and progpommatic similes related to M. Nizanov’s writing skills is analyzed. In the language of literary works, especially in the language of prose works, a type of tropes that is most productively used is simile. Based on the similes, objects and phenomena are compared with each other, defined and understood by equaling them to each other. We used the descriptive, comparative methods, and analysis. In his works, M.Nizanov effectively used similes. In addition to traditional similes, new models have been invented as a result of as a result of the specific imitation. The artistic skill of the writer is evident in the skillful delivery of the work language, the use of the image in its place, and the correct composition of the work.
Badakhshanova Anar Ibrayimovna

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