In the original languageTranslation into English



Hajieva Nushaba Aslan, Gurbanova Khatira Veli, Babakishiyeva Sevinc Firuddin


The article concludes with scientific findings on the topic under study. The work emphasizes that the study revealed that the consumer market is a system of economic relations that develop on the basis of competition, evaluation, marketing, government regulatory mechanisms, coordinate production and consumption spheres, create a balance between supply and demand by ensuring the demand of the population and the interests of producers on the basis of infrastructure organized in the field of sale of consumer goods.


consumer market
regulation of the consumer market
classification of the consumer market
function of the consumer market
regional market.


Hajieva Nushaba Aslan, Gurbanova Khatira Veli, Babakishiyeva Sevinc Firuddin


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