Food security in Tunisia through aquatic product consumption
Lamia Barhoumi, Zouhair Rached, Sonia Boudiche

This paper examines the main factors influencing the local demand for fish compared to other meat products in Tunisia. The double logarithmic econometric model AIDS (Almost Ideal Demand System) is used in the present study. We particularly aimed by using data panel from the Tunisian National Institute of Statistics at estimating the effects of direct and cross prices, income, and geographical area on this local fish demand. Results showed that prices of this foodstuff and of others substitutable products, consumers income and geographical area are significant factors that seem to influence fish demand, thus, explaining 83% of the variability in fish demand in Tunisia. We showed disparties in fish consumption between the costal and interior regions of the country. This trend is further accentuated. We also demonstrated that fish products are of great importance for food security and could replace red meat (particularly lamb meat) once available at cheaper prices.
Lamia Barhoumi, Zouhair Rached, Sonia Boudiche

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