Understanding How Global Megatrends Affect Marketing Strategies (Focusing on Technological and Environmental Megatrends)
Tamara Minina

The dynamic and ever-evolving nature of global megatrends has a profound impact on marketing strategies in today's interconnected world. Companies can sustainably grow only via taking into consideration the powerful effects of megatrends. This article explores how various global forces influence marketing practices, focusing primarily on technological advancements and environmental concerns as well as how the phenomenon of megatrends has appeared. Digitalization and environmentally oriented activities are becoming more crucial on daily basis, entering every marketing element and business activity of a modern company. Thus, the article illustrates those particular areas and concepts that are being involved into each megatrend as well as their influence on the marketing transformations happening nowadays. By examining the implications of these megatrends on consumer behavior, market dynamics, and business strategies, this article provides insights into the adaptive approaches that marketers need to adopt in order to flourish and grow in this rapidly changing landscape.
Tamara Minina

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