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Critical success factors in construction projects and measuring project success


Anar Malikov

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The building sector, which emerged with humanity's need for shelter and became increasingly complex with the increasing demands and desires of societies over time in parallel with the development of technology, has led the relevant sector stakeholders to make some changes within the framework of the elements and dynamics it contains. The ever-accelerating population growth in the world has disrupted the supply-demand balances, especially because of regional concentrations after the industrial revolution. In this regard, construction companies, which are important stakeholders of the building industry, have had to take a position to complete projects with optimum quality, cost, and time with the aim of increasing profit margins. Measuring project success in the construction industry is essential for interpreting project results. The purpose of this study is to test the usability of a standard project success measurement method, which evaluates project success objectively and subjectively, in developing countries. As a result of the study, a general evaluation of success measurement in construction projects will be made, where a construction project success measurement method can be used will be discussed, and various suggestions regarding construction project success measurement in developing countries will be included.


construction projects
success factors
risk JEL Classification: C51


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