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Unmasking Genetic Vulnerabilities in Breast Cancer Through SNP Analysis


Jiayi Zhu

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Breast cancer is a prevalent and severe malignancy with significant morbidity and mortality rates worldwide. This investigation sought to elucidate the relationship between single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and breast cancer. Genome-wide sequencing data from the Sequence Read Archive were harnessed, and comprehensive pipelines were developed to align sequences against chromosome 10 in a cohort of individuals with a history of breast cancer. The study found that while the PTEN gene exhibited just a single unique SNP, suggesting its genetic resilience, other genes presented with a notably higher number of SNPs. Specifically, genes without a defined function harbored the most significant number of unique SNPs. Prior research has underscored its role as a tumor suppressor and its critical association with various malignancies, including breast cancer. These insights offer a deeper understanding of the genomic intricacies of breast cancer, revealing potential genetic vulnerabilities and emphasizing the significance of particular genes and SNP contributions to the disease.


single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)
breast cancer


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