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Ismailova Kamala

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The detrimental impact of heavy oil fractions is attributed to the formation of a mechanical barrier between seeds, the root system, and the surrounding environment, hindering water-air and nutrient regimes. Soil biota also experiences significant suppression. Oil-contaminated soils undergo various transformations depending on the composition and duration of pollutant exposure, leading to changes in soil structure and even the compositional makeup of oil. This study presents the results of soil samples with high concentrations of oil fractions. It is established that oil-contaminated soils undergo substantial structural changes under environmental influence, including agglomeration with the formation of long hydrocarbon chains and difficult-to-break complexes. This should be considered in the development of soil remediation methods for oil contamination. Additionally, this factor serves as a continuous source of hydrocarbon pollution in the atmosphere. A mechanism for the action of this phenomenon is proposed.


oil-contaminated soil
oil hydrocarbons
volatile components


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