Munisa Mukhamedova

The purpose of the research The purpose of the research in this thesis, the issues of the organization and expansion of museum networks in Uzbekistan at the beginning of the 20th century, the main place was occupied by historical-revolutionary and memorial museums. Expositions have appeared in all existing historical and local history museums, demonstrating the achievements of the new system, absorbing its ideas for the general public.
Research methods The processes of formation of the activity of museums in Uzbekistan and its significance in museum tourism were studied on the basis of the principles of historicism and scientific approach, as well as such methods of scientific research as comparative comparison, chronological system analysis.
Research results As a result of the research, the relevance of the formation of the history of museums in Uzbekistan and the activation of the museum's research work, the development of excursion topics relevant to the period of the 20th century, the organization of scientific expeditions, as well as the organization of publishing activities in museums was revealed.
Practical application based on the analysis of the degree of studiing the problem of the formation of museums' activities, the negative and positive aspects of the policy of that period are shown, as well as the development of museum tourism in the process of working with visitors
Munisa Mukhamedova

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