The characteristics of expression of the past perfect tense formed using the morpheme 了le in chinese language (on the example of novel “Affairs of the world” of Utkir Khashimov)
Shamsiddinova Zebo Fazliddinovna

This scientific article analyzes the expression of the past tense formed by the morpheme 了le in the Chinese language, and its specific features. In the novel “Affairs of the World” of writer Utkir Khoshimov examines the characteristics of expression of the past tense verb forms in sentences given by simple Uzbek speech through the morpheme 了le in the Chinese language.
Shamsiddinova Zebo Fazliddinovna

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Khashimov U. (2005), The affairs of the world, Tashkent.
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欧特克尔·哈希莫夫, 生活琐事, Khashimov U. (2021), The affairs of the world, Tashkent.