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Debby Maurits, Aan Widodo

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During online learning children have low learning motivation, this is seen from the decline in learning outcomes in children. Interpersonal communication between parents and children has a role in increasing learning motivation. This study aims to explain interpersonal communication between parents and children in increasing the learning motivation of grade 2 children at SD Negeri Teluk Pucung I North Bekasi. This study used the concept of interpersonal communication. This research uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive method. Researchers conducted interviews with 5 informants including parents, teachers, and students. The results of this study show that children's learning motivation increases due to interpersonal communication between parents and children. Increased learning motivation seen from the tasks that are done and collected on time, understanding the material delivered, and increasing learning outcomes in children. Interpersonal communication between parents and children involves 5 aspects of interpersonal communication such as aspects of openness where parents and children always tell the truth during the process communication, an aspect of empathy where parents and children have a great sense of empathy for each other, aspects of support where parents always provide support in the form of support Moral and material but the support given by children to parents is less visible, aspects of positive attitudes where parents and children have a positive view of Each other so that two-way communication occurs, and aspects of equality where parents and children have similar functions such as being listeners and speakers.


Interpersonal communication
learning motivation
online learning
elementary school

Coronavirus Disease 2019 or commonly known as Covid 19 is an outbreak that infects almost all countries in the world. Covid 19 is a virus that causes respiratory problems and is known to have first appeared in  Wuhan City, China in  December 2019. This virus spreads rapidly through  the air to  cause several countries  to be affected by Covid 19, in  March 2020 the WHO (World Health Organization) determined Covid 19 as a pandemic that spread  globally. (Detik Health 2020)

According to the Indonesian  Ministry of Health, the first case of a positive Covid-19 patient in Indonesia occurred on March 2, 2020. At  that time, the government announced  that there were  two patients infected with Covid-19 in Indonesia. On  March 15, 2020, the Ministry of Health  announced that there were 117 cases of patients infected with Covid 19 (Indonesian Ministry of Health 2020  ). This  made the  President of the  Republic of  Indonesia, Joko Widodo give an appeal to  all Indonesian people to carry out  social restrictions to prevent the spread of the  Covid-19 virus. On March 31,  the Government of Indonesia officially issued a Large-Scale  Social  Restrictions (PSBB) policy in response to the  Covid-19 pandemic. (Mail Presidential Decree  2020)

 Large-scale social  restrictions  limit community  activities such as limiting  religious activities, limiting   activities  in  public places or facilities such as offices, schools/campuses, and others.   These restrictions  have a major  impact on several  sectors in Indonesia such as the  economic, social, tourism sectors, and especially in the education sector. Education is one of  the most affected sectors in Indonesia. According to  UNESCO,  there are 1.6 billion students around the   world disrupted  learning activities due to closed schools,  as many as 192 countries have closed  schools to reduce  transmission virus. (Seconds 2020)

Through  the circular letter of the Ministry of Education and Culture Research and Higher Education No. 4 In 2020,  the government    banned face-to-face  teaching and learning  activities in schools and  campuses  and urged the learning  process to  be carried out  at home online. This  is  the right step  to reduce and break the chain of  transmission of Covid-19. Teaching and learning activities   that are usually carried out in schools are forced to be carried out at home with   an online system (online) for  a long time. Online learning utilizes the internet as a support. Students can interact with teachers or  other students through several applications such as Google  Classroom, Zoom Meeting, Google Meet, and social media such as Whatsapp to access group chats.  Online learning  is also carried out with 2 methods, namely the synchronous online learning method  and the asynchronous online  learning method. Synchronous online learning is an online learning method that is carried out simultaneously with real time such as video chat while asynchronous  online   learning is  carried out asynchronously or  synchronously   Postpone such as giving material or assignments through chat applications. The asynchronous method  requires students to learn independently  in understanding  thematerial that has been given. (Ministry of Education and Culture 2020)

It was recorded that there were 68.8 million students (elementary, junior high, and high school) affected by their education due to Covid-19. The provision of heavy  assignments  and short processing time  is also a complaint of students  during  this online learning period. Some students claim to be bored with online learning methods  that are considered less effective so they   often do not listen and receive material from teachers / teaching staff. Because of this, students often get   unsatisfactory learning results   (Ministry of Education and Culture 2021).

Ideally, teaching and learning    activities   are carried out by teachers and students face-to-face    at school, but  during the   Covid-19   pandemic,   teaching and    learning   activities  in schools  changed  to    distance    learning    online at home  that involves  parents   in the process of   teaching and  learningactivities. According to   research conducted by Latifhatun  Nimah  in "The Decline in   Student  Learning  Outcomes   Due to Online   Learning  During the   Covid-19 Pandemic",   online  learning  methods are considered not  as effective as  face-to-face learning    In general,   due to lack of  readiness  from the  school  and students   , this method is a   new learning method   that   has never been  done by schools  or  studentsbefore.   Because  of  this,  students  often  struggle  during  the  online learning process   which ultimately  has an impact  on  student learning  outcomes. According to  this study, during online learning student   learning   outcomes decrease, decreasing  student learning outcomes  during   online       learning  can occur  due to several factors    , wrong One is the   lack of    motivation to learn  in children. According to  Sadirman  (2016),  learning   motiation is the overall  driving force    within  students  that causes learning activities, which ensures  the   continuity  of     learning  activities    and give direction  to   learning activities, so that  the desired goals  of   the learning subject      can be achieved. Every  child  has  different learning motivation,  some   have  highlearning motivation     and some  have low    learning      motivation    in during    online learning. Uno (2017: 23) said  that  learning motivation  is an   internal and external  drive  in students  who are  learning  to make  behavior  changes, generally   with several supporting indicators  or elements. In this case,  parents   as external  supporters   must provide support  to children in   order to create  learning  motivation  in children.           

 Children's learning motivation  can be formed and improved through  interpersonal communication between parents  and children according to research conducted by Meti and Yayah N in  the Role of  "Interpersonal Communication of Parents   and  Children in Providing  Learning Motivation",  interpersonal communication between parents and  children  can increase children's learning motivation. This study states that   good interpersonal communication between parents and children  is familiarity, parents  and children must also have   agreement,   parents must also have a good response. Right towards  the child, and parents must also use the right tone  of speech towards the child.   In addition, children's learning motivation will arise if parents  convey messages straightforwardly and repeatedly. One form of support from parents to increase children's learning motivation according to  research conducted by Cahya Maulida in the Pattern of "Communication Between Parents and Teachers to Increase Learning Motivation  Grade 6 students at MIN 7 Ponorogo for the  2020/2021 academic year" are by giving praise to children's learning outcomes. In this study,  parents usually also like to give  children favorite gifts as rewards for what has been done by the child. This study also involved interpersonal  communication between parents and teachers at school in increasing children's learning motivation.

Meanwhile, according to research conducted by C. Puspitasari, et al regarding "Family CommunicationIntensity  in Motivating   Learning for Elementary  School Children" (2021) shows that lack of communication  intensity between parents  and children can reduce motivation child's learning. The lack of  communication intensity is influenced by several  factors, including factors such as busy parents due to work,  TV watching habits and excessive use of gadgets  in the family,  and  Quiet attitude of children because they are comfortable with the habit of playing online games. The intensity of  communication between parents and  children  can also affect the level of motivation to  learn children.

Based on the results of  some of the studies above, it can be concluded that  interpersonal communication between parents  and  children  can increase children's learning motivation. Forms ofinterpersonal  communication carried out by parents with children such as giving praise, giving gifts, conducting discussions to produce agreement,  and often giving  and repeating messages straightforwardly  can increase children's learning motivation. This  is  related to  the understanding of interpersonal communication according to Effendi (2003), namely interpersonal  communication is communication  between communicators and communicants that is effective in changing attitudes,   opinions, or a person's dialogical behavior  in the form of conversation. Alex S.Tan (1981: 71) also mentioned that  interpersonal communication is  the most effectivecommunication to change one's attitude and behavior. Communication that occurs when parents  accompanychildren to  learn online can be referred to as  interpersonal communication between  parents  and children. When  accompanying  children parents  have conversations to help children  learn, sometimes  parents also discuss with children about tasks and  things other.

During  online  learning, communication between teachers and parents  also continues to be established. This is done  to report student  learning outcomes  to parents. Not only teachers  who report  but parents also  report about the  condition of  children at home when learning online,  this was conveyed by Ibu Maesaroh who is the homeroom teacher 2b at SD Negeri Teluk Pucung I North Bekasi. He also said that during the online  class he as  a homeroom teacher  always communicates with parents  regarding  children's learning outcomes  and  other things, if   the  child's learning outcomes Down he appealed to  parents  to be more helpful and accompany children studying at home so that  learning outcomes do not decline during online   learning  "...the conditions are different now, right Online classes,  many children like  not to pay attentionwhen I zoom  and sometimes  when I give  questions  on zoom, the average student likes not to be able to answer the questions  At the same time, sometimes I don't  understand what  I  explained, many students also look male,  so it's not excited when zooming, well,  if   it's already rich,  I usually Chat  in   the  parent group to  pay attention to their children  and please also help their children when  studying online, usually also if I chat in  a   group of people old, his son became diligent".

The appeal from teachers to parents can  help  parents regarding  online  learning conditions,  this was said by Mrs. Anggi one  of the parents of grade 2  students  at SD Negeri Teluk Pucung I North Bekasi, he  also said "  when my son is online,  sometimes he  likes to  feel that he  is on holiday, so when I am ready  to go  to class via zoom  he likes to be discouraged Then if I  tell him to   do homework, he likes to  procrastinate,  he said that later I want to  play games, go to sleep, there is  a reason".  

Based on the results of short interviews and observations conducted by researchers with teachers and parents of grade 2  students  at  SD Negeri Teluk Pucung I North Bekasi during the pre-research period, researchers found problems at  the location. During online learning, children's learning motivation decreases, this is seen from  the decline in  children's   learning outcomes, lazy to take online  classes, lazy  to do  assignments,  and lack of understanding related to the material delivered by the teacher. The appeal from teachers  to parents  makes parents  give encouragement to children,  another thing that    parents do  is to discuss with  children  so that children want to  learn and do his chores. Communication carried out by parents  to children  makes children want to  learn and does not delay in doing their tasks. This problem  makes researchers want to examine how  parents increase  the motivation to learn for grade 2  children through interpersonal communication at SD Negeri Teluk Pucung I North Bekasi. This study focuses on interpersonal  communication between parents  and  children  in increasing  children's learning  motivation during online  learning at SD Negeri Teluk Pucung  I North Bekasi How does interpersonal  communication between parents and  children  increase learning motivation in children?

 Interpersonal Communication

 Interpersonal  communication or  interpersonal communication is  a  communication process  that occurs between two people directly or  face-to-face  that produces  feedback in reaction to  the message conveyed. According to  DeVito (2005),  interpersonal communication is the process  of delivering a message by one person to  the recipient of a  message by another person or  a small group of people with  various impacts and with opportunities to get  feedback soon. Effendi (2003) states that  interpersonal communication is  communication  between communicators  and   communicants, this communication is considered the most effective in changing mindsets, attitudes, opinions  or behavior a person, because of his dialogical nature  is conversational. Changes in  attitudes, opinions, or behavior can occur if the  communication that occurs is communicative  in which both the communicator as an encoder and  the communicant as a decoder there is   a change in function During the communication  takes place as feedback  which is an  important role in  interpersonal communication.

The effectiveness of interpersonal communication can be seen through a humanistic point of view that determines relationships between people. This point of view emphasizes 5 aspects of  DeVito's (2005)rutmenu,  namely:

a) Openness         

Openness is the willingness to disclose   information that would normally be hidden provided that  self-disclosure of this information does not conflict with propriety.  In this aspect, individuals can open themselves in action with other individuals,  openness is also characterized by  honesty in responding to all communication stimuli. According to  Husein Umar (2005), openness is  the desire to be open and willing to respond honestly from the interlocutor.

b) Empathy          

Empathy is  a person's ability to feel and understand everything  and feelings felt by others and be able  to understand problems from  another person's point of view. In the aspect of empathy, each individual can permeate themselves in order to understand the feelings / emotions and intellectuals of other individuals.


In this aspect, each individual can provide encouragement to other individuals as a form of support to change attitudes and behaviors.  Support in  this case means supporting the content of the conversation  and not attacking or criticizing the content of the conversation (Husein Umar, 2005).

d) Positive Attitude          

 Positive  attitudes are shown in the form of attitudes and  behaviors that parties involved in  interpersonal communication must have positive  feelings and thoughts instead of  prejudice and suspicion.  In the aspect of  action chosen is that which is relevant to  the purpose of  interpersonal  communication,  that is, helping other individuals to understand the message of communication.  Every individual who communicates  must also have positive feelings or views to judge themselves, others, and situations without negative feelings and views to create effective interpersonal communication.

e) Equality

In this aspect, each individual who communicates (communicator & komunikan) has a  similar position in  the sense that there is no  dominance from one individual and  the flow of  messages occurs in a two-way manner  . Husein Umar (2005) also stated that  interpersonal communication will be  more effective if it occursin a common atmosphere because in  this way there is expected to  be recognition so that   there is a sense of mutual  respect  and  mutual respect.

 Interpersonal  communication has elements in it, such as sender, receiver, message, media or channel  , effects and feedback.  Based on the  understanding of the experts above, researchers draw conclusions that  interpersonal communication is a process of delivering messages directly from  communicator  to communicant both verbally and non-verbal that generates  immediate feedback.



This research uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive method. The paradigm  in this study is thePost-Positivism paradigm  which views the social world as patterned and  that cause-and-effect relationships   can be found and tested. Based on this, researchers see the  relationship related to  the problem of  this research can be tested. The subjects of  research or  informants in this study are  parties who are used as sources of informants in a study  . In this study,  the  subjects of the study were parents and  grade 2 children at SDN 01 Teluk Pucung Bekasi City. The determination of informants in this study uses purposive sampling, where  the samples taken have been selected with  specific intentions and purposes. Researchers choose someone to  be a sample because they are considered able to meet and can provide the information needed by the researcher. The  Key Informant criteria in   this study is one  of the parents of  students in grade 2, both father and mother at SDN 01 Teluk Pucung Bekasi City who are during  online  learningGet an appeal from  the homeroom teacher  to help his child in improving children's learning outcomes. Based on  this, researchers conducted interviews with 5 informants including parents, teachers, and students. Researchers carry out several stages in  collecting data,  the stage in question is an in-depth interview, and documentation. In this study, researchers chose the tringulation of sources in validating the data obtained. According to Patton (1987: 331) source tringulation  compares the  degree of  confidence of a data obtained through  different times and tools.


Interpersonal Communication Between Parents  and  Children  in Improving Children's Learning Motvasi

In this discussion, researchers will discuss interpersonal   communication between parents and  children  in increasing children's learning  motivation. Interpersonal communication is the process of delivering a message by  one  person to the  receiver of a  message by another person or  a small group of  people  with various impacts and with opportunities for  immediate feedback  (DeVito, 2005). According to Effendi (2003)  interpersonal communication is  the most effective communication in changing a person's nature, attitudes, behavior and opinions  because it is dialogical in the form of conversation.  In  this case, interpersonal communication between parents and children  is a process  in shaping children's learning motivation, providing information  , and ideas directly  so that there is a change  in  attitude from the child.

            During online learning,  interpersonal communication between  parents  and  children  occurs when parents accompany children to learn. During online  learning, children will   ask parents  about learning or  material that   is not  understood  and  parents  will respond by  re-explaining  the material  that is not understood. has been delivered by the teacher. Communication also occurs between  parents and teachers, in this case both parents and teachers will communicate via WhatsApp about difficulties during online learning,  children's learning outcomes   ,  and other information. When  children  experience a  decrease in learning outcomes,  teachers will give an appeal to  parents to be more helpful or provide motivation so that there is a change in      children's learning outcomes afterwards. This is supported  by the statement made by Tuti's informant, as follows:

"If I   don't know  that my  child's grades are  bad or the  next day his  child becomes his  enthusiasm for  learning, which usually collects his duties like to drag, this is not trs  when   I ask  when zooming can answer."

 Interpersonal communication that is often carried out by parents to children in the  form of discussions with  theaim of increasing learning motivation in children  . This is considered effective because during the discussion both  parents  and  children become listeners and speakers so that  the goals of both can be achieved.   Interpersonal communication carried out by  children  to parents  is also similar,  children  will discuss with parents  about what they want and make agreements with   parents so that children motivated to learn. The agreement made by  the child  with the parent will encourage the child  to learn so that the child gets what he wants such as traveling, getting gifts, and  other similar things.  However, parents will  sometimes be more dominant in encouraging children  to learn if the  child is in  a  bad mood, such as fearing children   not Upgrade, threatening, and  other similar things. This can make  children  have learning motivation,  but children will learn with compulsion.  The decrease in learning  motivation in children  is seen from  the decline  in  learning outcomes  and  the lack of  understanding of  children on the material provided by the teacher.  Interpersonal communication carried out by parents  makes children  have high learning  motivation,  as seen from  the increase in  learning outcomes in children   , children understand  the material that  given  by the teacher, and  the child who does not delay doing the tasks given.

According to DeVito (2005), to create effective interpersonal  communication must involve 5 aspects in it such as openness, empathy, support,  positive attitude,  and equality.  The form of interpersonal  communication between parents  and children can be seen in  the table below:

Aspects of Interpersonal Communication




-Oold people  say that they are busy withtheir work.

- Parents say when they are tired.

Parents honestly ask children to obey their words.

The child says that he feels bored when studying.

-Children say they feel  lazy to learn from their parents.

-The child expresses his  desire to  get something to his parents.


-Parents understand  the  mood state of the child.

-Parents will give gifts when the child's mood  is not good.

Parents will tell children  to rest and play when children are  bored  and tired while learning.

Children understand  the condition of parents  by obeying the words of parents  if parents  are tired.

-Children will not  disturbparents  if parents  are busy working.


- Parents give rewards as a form of appreciation to children.

-Parents buy new cellphones when children's cellphones  are damaged to support online learning. 

-Children  get good learning results.

-Children follow online  learning well.

-Children do their tasks well.

 Positive Attitude

-Parents always say that theirchildren  are  good children.

-Parents always  say that their children are  obedient children because  they always obey the words of  their parents.

Parents do not judge children  when children express their opinions.

Children always feel loved and cherished by their parents.

Children feel that theirparents are   good parents  because  they always give  the children what they want.


Parents become communicators and communicants when communicating with children.

Parents listen to children's opinions when  discussing with children.

- Parents provide input to children.

Some parents will be more dominant when  discussing with in  certain situations and not listening to children'sopinions.


Children become communicators and communicants when communicating with parents.

-Children will listen to parents' opinions.

Children are allowed to argue when communicating with parents.



Based on the results of interpersonal communication research between parents  and  children in increasing online  learning motivation in children, the conclusion is as follows. During online  learning, parents make efforts to help children learn. The efforts made by  parents  are seen from parents  who  always  accompany children  to learn and always communicate with teachers regarding  children's learning outcomes.  The appeal conveyed  by the teacher to parents  makes parents  approach  children  through  interpersonal communication to find out the difficulties or obstacles experienced by children so that   parents can help to increase his learning motivation. Interpersonal communication that occurs is proven effective in increasing children's learning motivation because there are 5 aspects in it.  Both parent  and child are always open during discussions so that they can respond appropriately. The existence of a strong sense of empathy from parents  to children makes interpersonal  communication run well  between the two. Parents  always provide  support tochildren in  the form of moral and material support  so that children have encouragement in learning. Parents and children also have a positive  view of each other so that communication  that occurs can run well. Equality occurs during the process  of  interpersonal  communication    because both parents and children are both  listeners and speakers so as to create communication  2 direction. Interpersonal communication  between parents  and children is considered effective because  it prioritizes 5 aspects of interpersonal  communicationaccording to DeVito (2005) in it. This effectiveness of interpersonal  communication makes children's learning  motivation increase  so that   children's learning outcomes  during online learning  also  increase.


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