Evaluation of Cllular and Cytokine Reactions in Patients with Chronic Pancreatitis During Immunotherapy
Suleymanov Suleyman Fayzullayevich
The article provides data on the study of cellular parameters of the immune status and cytokine profile in 36 patients with chronic pancreatitis (CP). As a control, 30 apparently healthy individuals who had no pathologies from the gastrointestinal tract were selected. In patients with CP, profound suppression of the main pool of T (CD3) lymphocytes and its subpopulations, and of the interleukin profile were revealed. The use of the immunopreparation Thymoptinum (dose 0.8-1.0 mg per course of therapy) in combination with traditional treatment in patients with CP led to the normalization of the parameters of cellular immunity and stabilization of the interleukin profile.
Suleymanov Suleyman Fayzullayevich
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