Mirzamukhamedova Makhsura Takhirovna

The purpose of the research: In this study, entitled "Traditional and always relevant topic", feature films created on the school theme in the cinema of Uzbek children and adolescents are examined. In Uzbek children's cinema, this theme found its artistic expression much later.
Research methods: analysis, synthesis, observation, comparison, conversation.
Research results: The first film on this topic was directed by G.Bazarov and created in 1982 "Excellent mark of someone else's". It shows how a 5th grade student who has learned to "copy" superficially, learns to learn and acquire knowledge, goes to independent preparation for the lesson and gets real appreciation. The second school film directed by Ahror Akbarkhodzhaev "Lessons of Tomorrow" (1983) emphasizes the role of a young teacher, the main character, in the education of students. During the years of independence, the films “Aydinoy” (directed by N. Abbasov, 2008) and “My School Life” (directed by I. Muhammadibrohimov, 2021) shot on this topic critically look at school life and raise topical issues in education.
Practical application: The study focuses on the fact that cinema is an art that affects the feelings and perceptions of young viewers, as well as the role of conceptual, life and feature films in the upbringing of the younger generation.
Mirzamukhamedova Makhsura Takhirovna

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- Akbarkhzhaev, A., “Necessary Lessons”, Art., “Cinema Art”, j., 1982, No. 11, p. 94
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