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Kalliev Abatbai Nagmetullaevich

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Purpose: Studying the development processes and specific features of vocal art as a discipline, improving students’ vocal performance and technique.

Methods: comparative, theoretical-analytical, generalization.

Results: that pedagogues should pay attention to further improving the skills and talents of students in this subject, organize trainings in providing vocal techniques, control the acquisition of vo nimal skills.

Scientific novelty: in this article, for the first time, on the basis of the indicated methods, unique methods of improving pedagogical skills in teaching vocal art to students are determined.

Practical importance: The theoretical and analytical materials presented in the article can be used in scientific works and teaching processes. Helps in practical lessons to improve the technique of vocal performance.


vocal science
vocal technique
vocal pedagogy
theory and practice
folk performance art
student skills
improvement of singing skills.


Kalliev Abatbai Nagmetullaevich


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