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Kobilova Feruza Nasrullayvna

Rubric:Theory and history of art
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The article talks about the processes of transformation taking place in the scenography of Uzbek puppet theaters. 20th century puppet theater Performances 21st century puppet theater scenography issues, applied postmodern features are highlighted.

Purpose: To study the processes of transformation taking place in the scenography of puppet theaters of Uzbekistan.

Methods: system-descriptive approach, including analysis of the development of puppet theater scenography.

Results: The transformation of modern scenography in the puppet theaters of Uzbekistan is taking shape in relative terms, it’s happening in the world.  Today’s appearance of puppet theaters is the result of the influence of Eastern and Western puppet theaters on each other. This influence continues today.  New trends emerging in puppet theaters of Europe, Russia, and Japan are gradually affecting the puppet theaters of Uzbekistan.  In the development of the puppet theaters of our region for less than a century, the evolution of the theater space was observed under the influence of the economic structure of the society.

Scientific novelty: historical and political changes determined the formation of the transformation and scenography of the puppet theater in Uzbekistan at the end of the 20th – beginning of the 21st century. The process of mastering European types of art and the subsequent formation of cultural and aesthetic consciousness, which has a universal basis; the combination of these factors contributed to the promotion of the puppet theater in the art as one of the main ones, reflecting the basic concept of the transformation and scenography of the puppet theater in Uzbekistan.

Practical significance: the study of the activities of the puppet theatrical art of contemporary artists of Uzbekistan in the XXI century, provide an opportunity for further comprehensive study of the transformation and scenography of the puppet theater of Uzbekistan as a whole. The classification of the main trends in the scenography of the puppet theater can be used to create teaching aids and textbooks for university students, monographs on the scenography of the puppet theater in Uzbekistan


special effects and technologies


Kobilova Feruza Nasrullayvna

Rubric:Theory and history of art


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