
Objective: to characterize the informative potential of traditional and new forms of fixation of authentic folklore and the role of these forms in preservation the artistic originality of national traditions.
Methods: analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, systematization, the method of analogy, cultural-historical method, semiotic method, problem-logical method.
Results: basing on the analysis of scientific literature and on the basis of the presented methods, traditional and new forms of fixation of authentic folklore were identified (oral, written, material; photo / audio / video documentation); it was determined that each of the forms of fixation has different informative potential for adequate transmission of the artistic originality of the material and immaterial forms of national authentic folklore; the necessity of complex use of all known forms of fixation of intangible cultural heritage with their subsequent integration into a single digital database is substantiated.
Scientific novelty: the article for the first time explores the informative potential of traditional and new forms of fixation of authentic folklore and reveals the role of these forms in preservation the artistic originality of national traditions.
Practical significance: the main provisions and conclusions of the article can be used in scientific, teaching and socio-cultural activities in addressing issues of preservation of intangible cultural heritage and national folklore traditions.

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