Improving of the activities of emergency medical care services: Preparation of proposals for the development and amendments to regulatory acts.
Mirvarisova L.T., Anvarov Kh.E., Mirvorisova Z.Sh.
The main aim of this stage is preparation of proposals on the development of regulatory act aimed to the improvement of the activities of the emergency medical services.
The main goals of the stage are:
- study and analysis of the most actual issues existing in the system of the emergency medical services;
- preparation of the prudent materials;
- preparation of the proposals for the concept (explanatory note) on the most actual issues of the system of the emergency medical system in the Republic of the Uzbekistan.
During the process, there were analysis made of the existing situation and the identification of the issues hindering the further development and improvement of the system of medical emergency, including the emergency in the republic. There were conducted conversations with specialists, consideration of available documents regulating the procedure for the provision of emergency medical services and materials received from the coordinator.
Mirvarisova L.T., Anvarov Kh.E., Mirvorisova Z.Sh.
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