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The results of studies of macronutrients (MaE) in the hair of patients with psoriasis, depending on the clinical form.


Zhanabayeva G.U., Akhmedzhanova Z.I., Danilova E.A.

Rubric:Medicine and healthcare
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Psoriasis is accompanied by a pronounced imbalance of micro- and macro elements both in erythrocytes and blood plasma, and in the parakeratotic stratum corneum. Studies of the macronutrients sodium, chlorine, calcium and potassium in patients with psoriasis living in the territory of the Aral Sea region were carried out. The imbalance of macronutrients Na, Cl, Ca, K depending on clinical forms was revealed.


macronutrients of hair
clinical forms
Aral Sea region.


Zhanabayeva G.U., Akhmedzhanova Z.I., Danilova E.A.


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