In the original languageTranslation into English

Features of improving the system of collection, preparation and transport of natural and associated gas at gas condensate fields


Deryaev Annaguly Rejepovich


The article is devoted to a detailed consideration of proposals to improve the system of collection, preparation and transport of natural, associated gas and condensate on the example of the Altyguyi gas condensate field. The topic of operation of gas wells, the state and proposals for improving the system of collection and treatment of gas and condensate are touched upon. The resources of high-pressure gas, which ensures its preparation to the required conditions at the integrated gas treatment plant, corresponding to the calculated values of the inlet pressure.

The feature of the operation of the IGTU (integrated gas treatment unit) at the current stage of field development and the need to maintain a pressure at the inlet to the installation that ensures the required quality of export gas is considered.

This offer is necessary for high-quality collection, preparation and transportation to consumers.


group measuring unit
booster pumping unit
associated gas
natural gas
gas separation.


Deryaev Annaguly Rejepovich


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4. Добыча, подготовка и транспорт природного газа и конденсата. Справ. руководство: в 2 т. – М.: Недра, 1987. Т. II.

5. Вахитов ГГ., Дияшев Р.Н. Анализ результатов исследования скважин месторождения Узень глубинными расходомерами и дебитомерами // Разра­ботка нефтяных месторождений и гидродинамика пласта (Тр. ВНИИнефть). –М.: Недра, 1974. стр. 217-225.

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