Deep purifıcatıon of multıcomponent sewage water employing absorption in dynamic conditions
Shiraliyeva Ulkar, Mamedova Zarifa, Huseynova Elmira, Rzayeva Aida, Safarova Sevindj

The work presents the calculation of parameters of the process of adsorption from the multi-component mixture using group calculation of the arguments. The modern technology of water purification using absorption is characterized by its complexity and variety of physicochemical effects. High-quality purified water can only be achieved using achieving a certain technological condition and by selecting the right equipment. The derived mathematical models of the process allow for performing the calculation for the projection of technological equipment with an appropriate level of precision required for engineering calculations.
Shiraliyeva Ulkar, Mamedova Zarifa, Huseynova Elmira, Rzayeva Aida, Safarova Sevindj

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