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Intermodal and multimodal container services


Konograi Olga Anatolievna

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The article observes the concepts of intermodal and multimodal transportation of goods, the organization of their service in a crisis, the benefits of switching to intermodal and multimodal transportation, programs for the development of intermodal and multimodal services in Russia and the European Union. The relevance of the topic is determined by the increase in the volume of intermodal and multimodal transport, the need to ensure better integration of various modes of transport.

In 1996, at the UNCTAD International Conference on Multimodal Transportation, intermodal transportation was interpreted as a generic concept for all types of transportation (intermodal, multimodal, segmental and combined), denoting the transportation of goods by several modes of transport, in which one of the carriers undertakes to organize the entire transportation of cargo from the point of departure to the final destination ("door-to-door"), while depending on the distribution of responsibility between carriers, various transport documents are issued [1]. In multimodal transportation, the carrier organizing the delivery of cargo on the principle of "door-to-door" assumes responsibility for the entire process as a whole [1].

In the joint document of the UNECE, ECMT and the EU "Terminology of Combined Transport" of 2001, multimodal transport is the transportation of goods by two or more modes of transport, intermodal transport is defined as the sequential transportation of goods by two or more modes of transport in the same cargo unit (loadingunit) or motor vehicle (road vehicle) without overloading the cargo itself when changing the mode of transport. Intermodal transport unit (ITU), in accordance with this document, are containers, removable bodies (swap bodies) and semitrailers suitable for intermodal transportation [2].

Thus, in intermodal transportation, the distinctive features are the presence of intermodal transport units, and the use of non-transshipment technologies: cargo delivery is carried out by two or more modes of transport in the same cargo unit without overloading the cargo itself when changing the mode of transport. At all stages of the transportation process, the operator links the actions of all participants in the supply chain: cargo owners, carriers in order to speed up the cargo delivery process while minimizing costs. Multimodal transportation is organized by the operator on the basis of a multimodal transportation contract, responsible for the entire transportation, carried out according to a single document, in domestic or international communication by two or more modes of transport.

The increase in the share of intermodal and multimodal transportation in the total volume of cargo transportation is associated not only with the development of global supply chains, increased attention to the environmental friendliness of transport, but also with the difficult situation in seaports during the crisis. Port congestion, vehicle downtime has led to an increase in rates, sea freight has increased significantly. The amount of freight is established by agreement of the parties, in the absence of an agreement of the parties, the amount of freight is calculated based on the rates applied at the place of loading of the cargo and during loading of the cargo [3]. By the end of 2021, the Baltic Dry freight cost index, which tracks the prices for sea transportation of bulk and bulk cargo around the world, increased by more than 60% due to increased demand for the transportation of goods against the backdrop of the global economic recovery, disruption of existing supply chains, problems in ports. The demand and prices for container transportation have also increased, the cost of sending a container from Asia to Europe has increased almost 10 times during the pandemic [4].

Changes in the container transshipment market by the end of 2021 based on data from the Global Ports Group of companies, one of the main operators of container and multipurpose terminals in Russia, managing a network of five sea container terminals in Russia and two in Finland, as well as a logistics complex near St. Petersburg: the Russian container transshipment market reached record volumes and amounted to 5.4 million TEU (+7.1% by 2020), the growth of cargo turnover occurred both in the segment of containerized imports (+11.1% by 2020) and exports (+4.2% by 2020) [5]. Thus, in the context of a sharp increase in freight rates on the international market, an increase in the volume of container traffic and a global shortage of empty containers, companies continued to choose faster import and export supply chains with the least sea leverage and the use of intermodal/multimodal service.

The growth of the Russian container market in 2021 was concentrated in two basins: the Far East (+14.0% by 2020) and the Azov-Black Sea (+6.4% by 2020), container turnover of terminals in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region decreased by 3.7% [6].  In addition, due to the shortage of rolling stock and the need for mass delivery of platforms to the ports of the Far East from almost all over the country, the cost of cargo removal and terminal processing has increased. Additional costs associated with the supply of rolling stock in increased volumes are included in the rate by railway operators, the excess daily cost of using and storing equipment in ports has increased, the time standard has decreased [7].

During the crisis caused by a failure in supply chains due to congestion of ports, disruption of their normal operation due to the pandemic, intermodal and multimodal container services have become in demand, allowing for the delivery of goods both in international and domestic communications. The most optimal way of delivery in terms of price and speed of delivery is rail transport. It is advisable to include air traffic in the delivery chain for small volumes and the delivery of valuable cargo. Road transport is limited in terms of traffic volume and has the most negative impact on the environment (the share in total emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere is 46.7%, in the noise impact on the urban population 85-95%) [8].

Thanks to the introduction of transportation by several modes of transport, transportation costs are reduced, the efficiency of managing goods and transport flows is increased, the coordinated development of communication routes and terminal facilities reduces specific investments in logistics infrastructure, switching cargo flows from road to other modes of transport reduces environmental pollution[9].

In order to strengthen the country's geostrategic positions, consolidate and expand global competitive advantages, a significant increase in the competitiveness of the transport system in the international transport services market is required, for which it is necessary to develop the transport infrastructure of various modes of transport, including increasing the pace of introduction of intermodal and multimodal technologies, primarily container transportation [8]. Economic growth, socio-economic development and the security of the state depend on the transport complex, the most important basic branch of the economy.

Transport corridors passing through the territory of Russia do not have the required technical characteristics, sufficient capacity of ports and border points [8]. The priorities and objectives of the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of the transport system" are: active integration into the system of international transport corridors, increasing the competitiveness of Russian carriers, increasing the volume and speed of transit traffic, development of multimodal and intermodal logistics technologies, checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation [8]. To achieve these goals, it is necessary to solve the following tasks[8]:

• to form a single reference transport network;

• eliminate infrastructure constraints;

• develop multimodal, intermodal, transport and logistics technologies;

• upgrade vehicles of all modes of transport;

• increase the capacity of the existing transport network;

• coordinate the development of competing communications of different modes of transport.

The transport policy of the European Union is aimed at the development of intermodal and multimodal transport, which optimally combine different modes of transport, using the strengths of each and minimizing disadvantages, ensuring sustainable, energy-efficient and environmentally friendly operation of the transport complex. Road transport has the most negative impact on the environment: pollution, climate change, noise create problems for the economy, health and well-being of citizens. The growth of road freight transport is projected by 40% by 2030 and a little more than 80% by 2050, so the use of multimodal transport, a reduction in the share of road transport, the use of modes of transport that are less polluting and more energy efficient, is an urgent problem of the European Union [10].

Programs have been developed in the European Union for the development and maintenance of intermodal and multimodal technologies [10]:

• internalization of external costs for all modes of transport. The social and environmental costs of transport should be paid in accordance with the "polluter pays" principle;

• targeted infrastructure investments aimed at improving interconnections between unimodal networks;

• efficient use of information (about traffic, capacity, availability of infrastructure, location of goods and vehicles);

• Direct support for intermodal transport: The EU provides financial support for multimodal/intermodal transport.

The EU multimodality policy is aimed at ensuring better integration of modes of transport and establishing interoperability at all levels of the transport system, while using the advantages of various modes of transport (convenience, speed, cost, reliability, predictability), the combination of which can offer more efficient transport solutions for cargo delivery, reduce the load on overloaded sections of the network, make the whole the sector is more environmentally friendly, safe and cost-effective [10].

During the crisis caused by the COVID 19 pandemic and its consequences, the transport complex found itself in difficult conditions, many well-established logistics supply chains were disrupted, solving the problems that arose, shippers and carriers were forced to look for alternative ways of delivering goods. The increasing harmful impact on the environment and the health of the population redistributes cargo traffic from automobile, which occupies a leading position in environmental pollution, to more environmentally friendly - rail transport. High freight rates, port congestion, and environmental safety issues have intensified the transition of the service from segmentation by mode of transport to intermodality and multimodality of container transportation. Intermodal cargo delivery schemes pass through Russian ports (St. Petersburg, Ust-Luga, Nakhodka, Novorossiysk, Vladivostok), Baltic ports (Riga, Klaipeda, Tallinn), the main directions are: European countries - remote regions of Russia; Europe - Central Asia; China, Turkey - CIS countries. New intermodal container services are organized from the countries of Southeast Asia through the port of Vladivostok and further to Novorossiysk, Rostov-on-Don and St. Petersburg. The main advantages of intermodal and multimodal container service are:

• reduction of delivery time;

• optimal cost of transportation, especially for long distances and transcontinental routes;

• environmental friendliness (negative impact on the environment is reduced due to minimal use of motor transport);

• cargo safety (use of one cargo unit, lack of access to cargo);

• minimal time and energy spent on loading and unloading operations,

• the possibility of using a container for temporary storage of cargo.

The current state of the transport complex does not fully meet the needs of socio-economic development. The problems of transport accessibility of the Far East, including the carrying and carrying capacity of the Baikal-Amur and Trans-Siberian railways, have not been solved [8]. The implementation of the state program "Development of the transport system" creates additional opportunities for the development of the Russian transport system and further improvement of its production, information and technological infrastructures, the use of intermodal and multimodal technologies for cargo transportation, will accelerate the growth of exports of transport services.


1. Mukhaev E. Cargo transportation in mixed international traffic: terminological aspect //Association of Higher Educational Institutions of Transport-Moscow: Moscow State University of Railway Transport, 2014- C.3-8. URL:

2. Terminology of combined transport ("Terminology on combined transport" [Electronic resource] / United Nations. – New York and Geneva, 2001. – 69 p. / URL: http://www.internationaltransportforum.

3. "Code of Merchant Shipping of the Russian Federation" dated 30.04.1999 N 81-FZ (as amended on 11.06.2021). Text: electronic. Consultant Plus - URL:

4. The Baltic Dry freight cost index soared by more than 60% in 2021. Text: electronic. Interfax - URL:

5. Global Ports operating results for the fourth quarter of 2021 and the full year of 2021. Text: electronic. Global Ports - URL:

6. Global Ports has increased its share in the container market Text: electronic. Sea News. Information and Analytical Agency [Electronic resource]. - 2021. - URL:

7. Container boomerang. Text: electronic. Sea News. Information and Analytical Agency [Electronic resource]. - 2021. - URL:

8. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1596 dated 20.12.2017 "On Approval of the State Program of the Russian Federation "Development of the Transport System" (as amended. dated 12/24/2021 No. 2442) [Electronic resource] URL: /.

9. Kolik A.V., Gerami V.D. The formation of an intermodal logistics product in continental supply chains //Logistics and Supply chain management. - 2016. - № 6 (77). - Pp. 6-15.

10. Multimodal and combined transportation. [Electronic resource] / European Commission / URL:

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