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The Effect of the Belt and Road Initiative on GDP Growth: Evidence from Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, and Philippines


Guan Tie, Gou Hongliang, Qi Yuan

Rubric:Political problems of international relations
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How the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) affects the countries that join in has been investigated persistently. The GDP growth as an important observation that represents the economic performance within a country could be used to explain the effect of the policy. This study investigates the effects of the Belt and Road Initiative on GDP growth in four ASEAN countries (Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand). By using the expenditure measure of GDP, this study uses non-financial investment and net export from China as two dependent variables that measure the Belt and Road Initiative hence investigating how the Belt and Road Initiative affects these four ASEAN countries’ GDP growths. The study finds that the Belt and Road Initiative could result in GDP growth in these four ASEAN countries. This study provides a new vision and implication for the policymakers and future researchers who study the effect of the Belt and Road Initiative on the countries that join in and also enrich the existing literature.


Belt and Road Initiative; GDP growth


Guan Tie, Gou Hongliang, Qi Yuan

Rubric:Political problems of international relations


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