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Methodical Foundations and Challenges of Gender Budgeting in Georgia


Vanishvili Merab, Kokashvili Nanuli, Osadze Lali

Rubric:Economics and Management
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On the basis of the latest literary sources and rich factual information, the present scientific article refers to the consistent discussion of such topical issues of the financial theory and practice as methodical foundations and challenges of gender budgeting in Georgia. Based on the current legislative guidelines in Georgia, considering the gender aspect is discussed as one of the components of result-oriented budgeting, it is considered one of the most effective mechanism of gender budgeting for the budgeting system of Georgia as it ensures the maximum integration of gender equality policy goals in the decision-making process at all levels of the budget system and at all stages of the process.


gender Budgeting
gender significance index
program budget
gender perspective
gender mainstreaming
gender equality.


Vanishvili Merab, Kokashvili Nanuli, Osadze Lali

Rubric:Economics and Management


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