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Polarization dependences of single-photon interband linear-circular dichroisms in tetrahedral symmetry crystals


Mamatova Mahliyo Adxamovna, Rasulov Rustam Yavkachovich, Isomaddinova Umida Mamirjonovna, Kodirov Nurillo Ubaydullo ogli, Rasulov Vohob Rustamovich

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The polarization dependence of the coefficient of linear-circular dichroism of single-photon absorption of polarized radiation in crystals of tetrahedral symmetry due to optical transitions from the subbands of light and heavy holes, as well as from the spin-orbit splitting zone to the conduction band, is calculated. In this case, the contribution of the coherent saturation effect to the coefficient of single-photon linear-circular dichroism of light absorption is taken into account.


and temperature dependence of the coefficient of single-photon absorption of light
linear-circular dichroism
crystal of tetrahedral symmetry
effect of coherent saturation of optical transitions.


Mamatova Mahliyo Adxamovna, Rasulov Rustam Yavkachovich, Isomaddinova Umida Mamirjonovna, Kodirov Nurillo Ubaydullo ogli, Rasulov Vohob Rustamovich


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