Mirrakhimova M.Kh., Ikromova Sh.N.

The clinical and laboratory features of acute glomerulonephritis in children with connective tissue dysplasia in the environmentally unfavorable Surhandarya region were studied. Multiple stigmas of connective tissue dysplasia and dysembryogenesis were more common in patients with acute glomerulonephritis with nephrotic syndrome and nephrotic syndrome with hematuria. In children with acute glomerulonephritis and multiple stigmas of connective tissue dysplasia and dysembryogenesis, pronounced and more prolonged edema, significant proteinuria was more often noted, and there were high indicators of process activity. The presence of multiple stigmas of connective tissue dysplasia and dysembryogenesis in patients with acute glomerulonephritis can be an indirect criterion for predicting the severe course of acute glomerulonephritis and the high activity of the process, which is important to consider when prescribing therapy.
Mirrakhimova M.Kh., Ikromova Sh.N.

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