The practical analysis of using innovative technologies to develop literacy among upper-grade students
Isakova Gulzoda Anvarjon kizi

The article focuses on the attention to the Uzbek language, the implementation of the "Law on the State Language," literacy issues, and the enhancement of students' literacy. It discusses the research conducted in this area, the successes achieved, the influence of families on literacy improvement, and future tasks related to the quality teaching of the native language. Additionally, it emphasizes the need to strengthen attention to literacy issues and the preparation of highly qualified specialists in this field. During our research, we found that students lack sufficient skills and competencies in distinguishing language phenomena and selecting words appropriate for speech purposes. The article discusses the significant role of parents' cultural levels and responsibilities in developing students' spirituality, enhancing their knowledge, and improving their literacy. The article outlines the necessary tasks related to the development and teaching of our native language and literature today. It emphasizes the need to update the Uzbek language teaching system based on our national pedagogy and international experience. Key points include creating literature that meets modern demands, applying innovative technologies, ensuring the Uzbek language occupies a worthy place in the global Internet information network, systematizing knowledge about the language electronically, and developing algorithms for linguistic analysis. It also highlights the importance of integrating information and communication technologies into linguistic research and creating translation programs, dictionaries, and electronic textbooks based on the Uzbek language and leading foreign languages.
Isakova Gulzoda Anvarjon kizi

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