Theoretical concepts of public administration and Kosovo case
Albulena Brestovci, Zemri Elezi
The paper gives an insight about the understanding of public administration under Kosovo developments and the practical developments of Kosovo public administration from the post war period until the current times. Author with the paper gives explanations about the concepts of public administration from various authors from both, theorical aspects and form the practical developments of it. For the needs of the paper, the combined methodology is used followed by following methods: method of legal analysis, method of comparison analysis, method of political analysis and method of linguistic analysis. The main aim of the paper is description of understandings of basic concepts and the development of public administration through different phases of its development---from the international civil administration in Kosovo, to Kosovo independence and the new trends of its development in the spirit of EU integrations. Paper is expected to be important component of academic debate in Kosovo which will be further enriched and on the other hand it will serve as a means to be used by practitioners.
Albulena Brestovci, Zemri Elezi
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