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Artistic parameters of Ikram Akbarov’s composer’s thinking


Abrarova Makhina Fatkhullaevna


The article examines the multifaceted compositional thinking of Ikram Akbarov, an outstanding representative of the Uzbek school of composition. The author analyzes various aspects of the composer's work, including his innovative approach to musical themes and genres, the depth and philosophical orientation of his works, as well as the close connection of his work with Uzbek musical traditions.


Ikram Akbarov
Uzbek music
compositional thinking
musical drama.


Abrarova Makhina Fatkhullaevna


  1. 1. Abrarova M. National and universal principles in the literary and critical work of composers of the 20th-21st centuries. Abstract of the dissertation of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in art criticism. - T, 2018. - 45 p. (in Russian)
  2. 2. Gafurbekov T. Folklore origins of Uzbek professional musical creativity - T., 1984. - 116 p. (in Russian)
  3. 3. Zhabbarov A. Uzbekiston kompozitorlari va bastakorlari (Ma'lumotnoma) - "Musiqa", T., 2018. - 440 p. (in Russian)
  4. 4. Rubenstein S.L. Fundamentals of General Psychology. M., 1946. - 353 p. (in Russian)
  5. 5. Turaev Yu. Uzbek pop songs of the twentieth century. – T., 2015.-468 p. (in Russian)
  6. 6. Yanov-Yanovskaya N. Composer Ikrom Akbarov. Monograph. - T., 2011- 164 p. (in Russian)
  7. 7. Yanov-Yanovskaya N. Uzbek music and the 20th century. T., 2007.- 271 p. (in Russian)
  8. 8. Yanov-Yanovskaya N. Intertext theory in its projection onto oriental music. Monograph. T., 2019. - 123 p. (in Russian)

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