The role of language in intercultural communication
Makhmudova Aziza Azamatovna

The purpose of the research: This article will talk about the fact that at a time when different peoples, languages, cultures are now mixed, interest in other cultures, respect for them, trying to understand them, learning to approach them with patience is one of the pressing issues, the importance of Uzbek language in strengthening effective intercultural ties is considered important.
Research methods: We can use the "useful aspects of the history of languages" method, which is considered one of the innovative methods in this regard.
Research results: Ensure that all cultural institutions located throughout the Republic and cultural centers located in Termez make the most of world languages in the process of intercultural knowledge exchange.
Practical application: Psychological assessment of executive personnel, development of the set of qualities necessary for them and issues of the correct selection of candidates, further improvement of their knowledge through the study of world languages are widely covered in this article. Innovative approaches to the formation of language skills of leaders in cultural centers and the seriousness and relevance of scientific research in this area are discussed.
Makhmudova Aziza Azamatovna

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